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View the profiles of people named Hannah Wind Join Facebook to connect with Hannah Wind and others you may know Facebook gives people the power to Writer and journalist, Indonesia The Wind&Bones minicourse I joined was both a thoughtprovoking lesson and an inviting space to collaborate with fellow participants Wind& Bones show writers how to write more ethically, and find that sweet spot between addressing hard issues and telling inspiring stories about humanityMid Low Mid Low Leader Skill Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21% 125% x3 Cross Fire Shoots 3 projectiles, with each projectile having a 30% chance to slow the Attack Speed for 2 turns Lv2 Damage 5% Lv3 Harmful Effect Rate 10% Lv4 Damage 10% Lv5 Harmful Effect Rate 10% Lv6 Damage 10% 300% x2 Silverplated Bullet Attacks the enemy 2

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Hannah is an air elemental of the Habagat Tribe 1 Character History 11 Meeting the BabaylanMandirigma 12 Fighting Talagbusao' 2 Abilities 3 References She and Ammie first came to Makati to seek an unknown racer who was competing against other drivers along the C5 They were approached by Alexandra Trese, who was searching for leads regarding the mysterious racer Hannah (Wind Cow Girl) is a food monster in Summoners War We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analize our traffic, those informations are also shared with our advertising partners who may combine them with other information you've provided them or they've collected from your use of their servicesThe latest tweets from @wind_hannah

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